Dover Rowing Club Presentation Evening

Dover Rowing Club held their end of season prize giving, following a successful season. Dover members this season have won titles at the South Coast Championships and the British Offshore Championships, with others competing at Henley Royal Regatta. The Woman’s Novice Four winners, Emily Harvey, Nikki Leggatt, Holly Hannington, Janice Bradford coxed by Will Colman, were formally presented with their South Coast Championship trophy which was absent at the event itself. The Junior Senior Men’s Four winners Will Colman, Jasper Mallett, Sebastian Steele, Cameron Macintosh coxed by Ella Cook were also in attendance to receive their individual awards.

Captain Maria West-Burrows thanked Club Secretary Jacky Silk for all the fantastic work she does for the club, Tony Burrows trailer towing and along with Steve Woods, Will Coleman and Nick Bailey for their work on boat maintenance and David Newman for press reports.

Club awards went to Zara White and Janice Bradford as joint winners of the Most Improved Female Rower. White received the award for her continued improvement, whilst Bradford, who joined during the season, brought an abundance of enthusiasm and a competitive attitude to help propel her crew to the South Coast Championship title. Duncan Taylor was awarded the Men’s Most Improved Rower for his continuous improvement and hard work. The Most Improved Junior went to Josh Grassby, from what is a strong group of younger rowers at the club. Coxswain of the year and the ‘Rowers Rower’ awards both went to Will Coleman for his hard work within the club and the willingness to cox whenever available. Jacky Silk was the easy choice for Club Person of the Year for all the behind the scenes work she carries out to keep the club progressing forward. The final Captain’s Award went to Oliver White, Sonny Hart, Henry Cox and Artie Everington-Nee who make up the club’s J14 crew, which West-Burrows has enjoyed coaching and coxing throughout the season.

Dover takes two wins at the South Coast Championships held at Folkestone

Dover Rowing Club were in winning action in the 66th South Coast Championships held at Folkestone Rowing Club over a straight 2km course running from Princes Parade car park to Sandgate Castle. The event is the coming together of three divisions of coastal rowing, featuring 38 clubs from Kent to Cornwall. Conditions were generally good, with sections of the course becoming rough through the day.

The Men’s Open Junior / Senior Four crew of Cameron Mackintosh, Will Coleman, Sebastian Steele, Jasper Mallet was coxed by Ella Cook. The nature of the race timings had meant that Dover needed to deploy more coxes than normal and this was her first time coxing a race. Dover had a great start and were half a length up on Herne Bay within a few hundred metres. With Herne Bay’s bowman level with Mallet in the stroke seat, the crews charged down the course. As they passed the Club House, Herne Bay moved up the side of Dover’s boat but Dover reacted and regained their half a length lead. This effectively broke Herne Bay and allowed Dover to secure the win at the line.
In the Women’s Invitation Novice Fours, Dover’s crew of Janice Bradford, Nikki Leggatt, Holly Hannington, Emily Harvey coxed by Coleman had a strong start and were in the mix with the leading crews. The race developed into a battle between Dover and Eastbourne with Dover taking the lead through the middle 1000m. From the shore it appeared a tight race coming past the club house with Dover a little up. As the last 20 strokes were laid down Dover pulled clear by over a length.

The Boys U14 Quad Sculls featuring Oliver White, Henry Cox, Sonny Hart, Artie Everington-Nee and coxed by Maria West-Burrows, raced over a 1km course. There was a tight start with all crews starting well. Dover moved into second as the race progressed but were unable to close down the leaders, finishing as runners up in the event. The result showed the hard work that the young boys have been putting in.
Ella Cook was a late call up to row with Plymouth in the Girls U16 Quad Sculls and adjusting to a new crew was challenging. They came home second in the heat and fifth in the final.
The Boys U16 Quad Sculls of Josh Grassby, Ben Fagg, Bo Corby, Beau Everington-Nee coxed by Mallet raced in heat 1. The crew unfortunately ‘caught a crab’ which damaged the rigger during the race. Despite the impact of this damage they battled on and came home an impressive fifth. In heat 2, Dover’s Tom Gold rowed with a Southsea crew who just missed out on the final coming home in fourth.
In the Women’s Open Junior Fours heat 1, Freya Emmerson, Leggatt, Hannington, Harvey coxed by first time cox Beau Everington-Nee got a good start and moved into a qualifying place through the mid section of the race. As they passed the club house, they were comfortably second securing a finals place.
In heat 2, Marie Cockerell, Emma Mansell, West-Burrows, Emmeline McArdle coxed by Sara Scrivens struggled to break into the qualifying places. Mansell had been a late replacement due to illness in the regular crew. Despite fighting hard the crew came home in fifth.

The Woman’s Junior final came straight after the Novice win with Leggatt, Hannington and Harvey coming to shore to swap Emmerson into the boat before rowing to the start, with Coleman coxing. Although the less than ideal timing led to a greater challenge for the crew, they pushed hard through the first half of the race. They were unable to challenge at the finish, coming home sixth.
The Masters Open 40+ Fours of Jon Cook, Bradford, Heather Corby, Nick Bailey coxed by Coleman found their final challenging. Off the pace they had fallen to sixth place at the halfway point and could not improve their position at the line.
Dover’s excellent performance left them second in the regatta’s overall aggregate behind Southampton Coalporters.

The Club would like to thank Dover’s Jacky Silk, the Event Secretary, who had many late nights helping to organise the event with Folkestone RC and the SCC event committee and all the umpires and officials that made the event possible.

Dover Pair take fifth in the British Offshore Rowing Championship

Dover Rowing Club had two rowers involved in the British Offshore Championships held at Exmouth, Devon. Experienced offshore rower Maria West-Burrows was in a new partnership with Saffron Walmsley-Preece in the women’s doubles event.

The offshores differ from Dover’s normal CARA competitions which hug the coastline over 2 km course. The race featured a 6 km course starting from the beach and moving directly out to sea with 9 turns to negotiate.

The Dover crew were in lane 3 and were third off the start. Coming to the crucial first turn Dover had the racing line but were hit by Carrick’s crew who came in too shallow and hit the buoy stopping both crews. As the boats separated there was frustration as other crews passed them. Moving to the second buoy Dover avoided a second crash as Carrick again steered into another crew. Now clear, the two rowers started hunting down the crews ahead of them, overhauling Jersey between turns 3 and 4. Through turns 5 to 7 the rough conditions saw a lot of pulling on the rower’s left side to maintain their course as they battled the wind and waves. This made it challenging to close on the leading crews. As Dover’s crew turned for the run home, they were unable to improve on the fifth place, finishing in a time of 41 minutes 2.1 seconds
Better luck at the first turn would have delivered a higher finish and West-Burrows and Walmsley-Preece can console themselves that they made the qualifying standard for the World Offshore Championship should they wish to enter.

Dover take three wins at Deal Regatta

Dover Rowing Club had a successful regatta at Deal. Dover’s first win came in the J16 Men’s Quad Sculls which featured two crews. Josh Grassby, Bo Corby, Ben Fagg, Beau Everington-Nee coxed by Jasper Mallet raced against club mates Oliver White, Henry Cox, Sonny Hart, Artie Everington-Nee coxed by Freya Emmerson. Mallet’s crew got the better start on the outside of the course and were able to push out to a lead gradually moving ahead of the field, taking the win with a length at the finish. Emmerson’s’s crew of younger rowers worked hard through the race coming home fifth.
Novice Men’s Sculls had Cameron Mackintosh seeking his first win after coming in second previously. A good start had Mackintosh in the leading group through the first turn starting to gain separation through the second turn. He was able to gain on the chasing scullers and secured his first novice win.

The Novice Ladies crew have been steadily improving this season coming second at Herne Bay. The crew of Janice Bradford, Lee-Anne Finnis, Holly Hannington, Nikki Leggatt coxed by Will Coleman moved well off the start and were pushing for the lead. Through the turns they established a lead and continued to work well through to the second buoy, which they exited in first place. A strong charge to the line secured the victory. The two novice victories also secured the overall Novice Aggregate Trophy.
The mixed J14 Quad Sculls had White, Cox, Ella Cook, A Everington-Nee coxed by Freya Emmerson chasing Herne Bay down the course coming home in second.
The Men’s Junior-Senior crew of Mackintosh, Coleman, Sebastian Steele, Mallet coxed by Emmerson had a good start slotting into second place but were unable to close down the leading crew through the first turn. The crew would secure their second place at the line.
Women’s Masters 40+ Four featuring Bradford, Finnis, Natalie Harvey King, Leggatt coxed by Emmerson had a good race in this new event. A slower start saw the crew chase the field as they headed for the turns. Turning in fourth the crew pushed hard but were unable to improve their position at the line.
Senior Men’s crew of Jon Cook, Nick Bailey, Mackintosh, Mallet with Emmerson at cox had a good race coming home with points in fourth place.
Junior Sculls saw Mallet came home in fifth. Bradford, Leggatt, Hannington, Emmerson coxed by Coleman finished 6th in the Junior Women’s Fours.

Novice Women and J14 Quad Sculls take second in the rough at Herne Bay

Dover Rowing Club were in action in the rain and rough water at Herne Bay regatta at the weekend.
The Novice Womens Four saw two crews competing. Janice Bradford, Nikki Leggatt, Holly Hannington, Emily Harvey coxed by Will Coleman raced against Amanda Punton, Kaz Morrison, Izzy Balwin. Canelle Ulyatt coxed by Freya Emmerson. The Coleman crew got the better start seeing them in a three way battle for the lead with Southsea and Herne Bay. Through the turns Coleman’s crew was in second place. They secured second place at the line with Emmerson’s crew coming in eighth.

The J14 Quad race had Henry Cox, Ella Cook, Sonny Hart and Southsea’s T Stearne coxed by Maria West-Burrows. In the straight 1000m race the young Dover crew got a slower start and had to move through the field. Moving into third they found the Herne Bay crew moving across their bow. Good coxing avoided a collision as the faster moving Dover crew came inside and moved through Herne Bay into second. Dover’s crew could now no longer catch the leading crew taking second place at the line. The J16 Quad featured the Dover J14 contingent with Tom Gold making the crew up. Their race didn’t go to plan with one of the young rowers getting injured leaving the crew to come home sixth.

In the Open Masters 40+ West-Burrows, Marie Cockerell, Nick Bailey, Jon Cook were coxed by Tony Burrows. The veterans got a good start and were pushing the leading crews. Out of the turns the crew were in third which they held at the line.
The Woman’s Junior Four had heats to qualify for the final. Dover had two crews and in heat one Emmerson, Leggatt, Hannington, Harvey coxed by Coleman rowed well to qualify for the final. In heat two Cockerell, Emmaline McArdle, West-Burrows, Ella Day coxed by Burrows eased through to the final in third place. The final had rougher conditions with the Burrows crew in the more difficult outer lane. Burrows moved in shore after the turns but was unable to improve beyond fifth. Coleman’s crew, with Hannington replaced by Bradford due to injury, come home ninth.
The Men’s Senior Four had Cook, Colman, Chris Hall, Tom Stothart coxed by Emmerson battling the fastest crews on the coast. A good start saw the crew in contention on the outward leg but they found the going tough on the return leg coming home in fifth.

Stothart competed in Senior Sculls where he started well but soon found himself rowing for points coming home sixth.
The Men’s Junior Four Mike Simmons, Duncan Taylor, Kevin Ulyatt, Brendon Ulyatt with a cox provided by Folkestone, had a great start but were slowly overhauled by the other crews as the race progressed. Dover’s crew would narrowly miss out on points coming home seventh.

Dover Rowers compete at Henley Royal Regatta

Henley Royal Regatta saw Dover Rowing Club represented by Chris Hall and Max Arkell. Henley is the largest annual rowing event in the UK, with crews from all over the world competing.
Chris Hall, a long term DRC member, had the misfortune when captaining Southampton University in 2021, of qualifying but being unable to compete due to injury. Hall has joined a small Dover cohort this season at Vesta Rowing Club and qualified for Henley as part of Vesta B M8 in the Thames Challenge Club, rowing in the four seat.
Vesta B were drawn against Cambridge 99. The start was the key to 2112m race with Cambridge getting the better, by Fawley, Vesta were down by a little over a length. With both crews pushing hard Vesta were closing at the enclosures where they were cheered on by Dover’s travelling support Tom Stothart, Jasper Mallet and David Newman. Hall’s crew gained an overlap and closed hard on Cambridge but were short at the line.

Max Arkell, who was part of the 2022 Dover Squad, was competing in the coxed four Brittania Cup against Royal Chester. Vesta had the best of the start and were leading through Fawley, pushing for a length lead. As the two crews hit the enclosures the Chester crew were pushing and Arkell’s boat was under pressure, by Stewards Chester had moved ahead taking a tough win.

Dover Scullers lead the way at Hastings and Eastbourne Regattas

Dover Rowing Club were in action in the Hastings and Eastbourne double header regattas at the weekend.
Cameron Mackintosh had a good couple of days with in the Men’s Sculls race. A good race along the shore line in Hastings turning second and a strong return leg secured second place. At Eastbourne a poor turn left Mackintosh third and chasing for second. In the last 250m he kicked hard and closed rapidly on second place, only missing out at the line by a canvas.

Jasper Mallet continues to improve after progressing to Junior Sculler level. At Hastings, Mallet found himself in second through the turn but struggled to hold off the Eastbourne sculler who rowed through him by the finish. At Eastbourne, Mallet aimed to improve on third and went out hard. Turning second, he was able to push well ahead of the Eastbourne sculler and was able to maintain the second place all the way to the line.
There were two Dover crews in the Men’s J16 Quad Sculls, Josh Grassby, Bo Corby, Ben Fagg, Beau Everington-Nee coxed by Matt Barnett competed against the younger crew of Henry Cox, Tom Gold, Sonny Hart, Artie Everington-Nee coxed by Maria West-Burrows. A hard push from the Barnett crew saw them in a straight fight for first place with Herne Bay. Dover’s crew crossed second and the younger teammates would come in sixth.
The J14 Quad Sculls had Cox, Hart, Sara Scrivens, A Everington-Nee coxed by Maria West-Burrows in the 1km race. With three of the crews on a quick turn around the crew struggled to hold on to the leader as they chased down the course, coming home third.
Junior Ladies Fours saw two crews at Hastings Marie Cockerill, Emmerline McArdle, West-Burrows, Ella Day coxed by Tony Burrows facing Janice Bradford, Nikki Leggatt, Freya Emmerson, Emily Harvey coxed Will Coleman. The crews were battling each other coming to the turns with the Burrows crew coming away ahead. Both crews were fighting for points with Burrows crew coming home sixth and Coleman’s crew finishing eighth. Only the Burrows crew raced at Eastbourne with a renewed determination. A good start and a hard drive to the turn put the crew in the top four as they pushed through the last quarter, going through Deal and moving neck and neck for second, losing out by a foot at the line.

The Novice Ladies Four of Amanda Punton, Kaz Morrison, Janice Bradford, Leggatt coxed by Burrows had a good row coming in eighth. At Eastbourne, Bradford, Leggatt, Lily Stafford-Edge, Harvey coxed by Burrows got a good start and were in the mix at the turn. Coming home they were fighting for second with Eastbourne just missing out at the line.
Men’s Junior Senior Fours Mackintosh, Mallet, James Hale, Coleman coxed by Emmerson had a disappointing run out to the turn but regained a little of their normal pace coming home fifth. At Eastbourne the crew were coxed by Jason Cunningham. They had a better start and were in contention throughout the race coming home second. The same crew competed in the Men’s Senior Four finishing fourth in Hastings and improving to third at Eastbourne.
Senior Men’s Pair Hale and Mallet, were just off the top crews coming home fifth at both regattas.
Men’s Junior Four had Mackintosh, Duncan Taylor, Barnett, Brendon Ulyatt coxed by Burrows fighting for points coming out of the turns, finishing in eighth. Ulyatt was fifth rowing with Eastbourne at their home regatta.

Masters 40 plus Leggatt, Barnett, West-Burrows, Taylor coxed by Burrows had a good race to the buoys. They were in the mix for points and finished fourth. S Dowling, Cunningham, Bradford, Leggatt coxed by Coleman had a similar race at Eastbourne, also finishing fourth.
Punton, Morrison, West-Burrows, Taylor coxed by Cunningham were sixth in the Masters 50 plus. Cockerell and McArdle entered the woman’s 40 plus in a composite crew fourth at Hastings. Cockerell, Ulyatt, Coleman, West-Burrows coxed by Hale raced against Mackintosh, Cunningham, Bradford, Harvey coxed by Mallet would finish fourth and fifth respectively in the Mixed Fours Open.